British Values

The Vision of Shaftesbury Park Primary School is to develop children who think about their world, enlarge their world and change their world. As part of this and in accordance with Ofsted and DfE guidance, we actively promote the fundamental British values of:

Actively promoting also means challenging pupils, staff or parents who express opinions contrary to fundamental British values.

As a UNICEF Rights Respecting School, values of tolerance and respect permeate all areas of school life. Our broad and balanced curriculum teaches elements of democracy, civic responsibility, rules and laws, the monarchy, equality, values and virtues, environmental awareness and understanding of other faiths through the IPC, PSHCE and RE lessons. This creates a climate within which pupils feel safe and secure and facilitates the fulfilment of potential. Pupil voice plays an integral part in driving the school forward and school rules at different levels are seen as the foundation upon which this can be achieved.

The following are just a selection of some of the activities we undertake as a school to ensure our children understand and embrace these values, allowing them to become valuable, respectful and fully rounded members of society, fully prepared for life in modern Britain.


  • We have an elected school council. At the start of every academic year, children campaign and make speeches to their respective classes, before voting for who will represent them on the School Council
  • The children are also given the opportunity to vote on many other aspects of day-to-day school life too, e.g. lunchtime reading books, playground games, and encouraged to respect the outcome of such votes.
  • We celebrate International Day of Democracy where we learn about the democratic process in the UK. Additionally, children in our Year 6 classes focus on the history of democracy, looking at the Ancient Greeks, how they introduced ‘Democracy’ to the world and how that impacts on our lives today.
  • Children are given an understanding of freedom of speech for all, including the role the media plays in this. Children’s newspapers are provided for all year groups to facilitate discussion of local and national issues.

The Rule of Law

  • We have visits from authorities such as the Police to reinforce the importance of Laws. Children in year 5 also take part in the Wandsworth Junior Citizenship Scheme which involves the children working in groups to address a number of different scenarios with the support of the Police, TfL, the local council and other local community stakeholders.
  • Pupils learn what is right and wrong through class charters, school rules and also through the Behaviour Policy. Pupil voice is important in these and children are encouraged to resolve problems fairly.

Individual Liberty

  • Our work as a UNICEF Rights Respecting School means we identify rights and responsibilities, both personal and collective.
  • Children are supported in developing their understanding of self-respect and respect for others through our circle time activities, SEAL assemblies and PSHCE lessons.
  • We hold an anti-bullying week each year and do regular anti-bullying work though PSHCE.
  • Children are actively encouraged to make independent choices and to express themselves, with the knowledge that they are in a safe, secure and supportive environment. For example, we conduct surveys to determine what extracurricular activities children wish to be made available, take children’s preferences into account when purchasing new equipment for the playground and our extended day provisions and encourage children to share their opinions on a wide range of topics in our school publications. Recent large projects to upgrade our playground equipment and install firstly a garden and then a book nook have been largely pupil-driven.

Mutual Respect

  • All staff constantly model mutual respect in their dealings with children and parents/carers.
  • Excellent attitudes towards learning and each other are rewarded in our weekly Praise Assemblies.
  • The children have many opportunities in school to discuss the concepts of fairness and equity, such as Black History Month, assemblies on British Values and weekly PSHCE lessons and circle times.
  • We fundraise for charities e.g. Macmillan Cancer Support, Red Nose Day, Children in Need.
  • The school takes part in rights respecting initiatives.
  • We celebrate International Mother Languages Day where we learn about the diversity of languages spoken at Shaftesbury Park.
  • As a bilingual school, we have developed a culture which fosters cultural awareness, understanding and respect between children and across borders.
  • Our school strapline is ‘a local school with a global perspective’ and our children embrace this by participating in local and global campaigns which illustrate their awareness of their role as global citizens, for example campaigning about climate change, campaigning against homelessness and campaigning to ensure that our school environment and local area is clean and safe. In the last few years, children have also written to the Prime Minister and Government Ministers regarding the importance of educations for girls all around the world and regarding human rights.

Tolerance of those of different faiths and belief

  • We celebrate International Day of Tolerance where we learn about the importance of tolerance within the UK and internationally.
  • We celebrate a range of religious festivals and organise visits to places of religious worship. We also have visits from religious leaders.
  • Shaftesbury Park is the recipient of a British Council International School Award, recognising the work the school has done to bring the world into its classrooms. Pupils’ education is enriched by partnering with schools overseas to teach pupils about life in other countries, learn about global issues and also develop them as global citizens.
  • Any incidents of racism and bullying related to protected characteristics (i.e. age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity) are registered and the Local Authority is informed.