School Travel Plan

At Shaftesbury Park, we aim to encourage all members of our school community to adopt a healthy lifestyle. An essential part of this is our School Travel Plan which aims to promote active travel to and from school.

In seeking to firmly establish our travel plan within our school community, Shaftesbury Park is proud to be participating in TfL’s STARS scheme which provides a framework for the STP as well as resources and support for schools like ours. Our Travel For Life Gold Award (received in October 2023) recognises the commitment of Shaftesbury Park pupils to travelling to school by foot, by scooter and by bike.

However, a School Travel Plan does more than this, helping to improve the safety of pupils who learn about road safety as part of their journeys to and from school. School Travel Plans also reduce traffic and congestion as well as pollution around the school and in the local area. As School Travel Plans are implemented in partnership with other local stakeholders including the Council, the Police and health authorities, they can also lead to improvements to local walking and cycling routes including safer places to cross and schemes such as ‘School Streets’, recently implemented on Ashbury Road.

What is a ‘School Street’?

A School Street is a traffic calming measure designed to reduce the number of vehicles around the school, reducing congestion, pollution and the risk of traffic accidents happening.

Some of the activities we carry out in support of our School Travel Plan:

  • Living Streets’ ‘Walk Once a Week’ Challenge
  • Scooter and Bikeability training
  • Cycling proficiency training
  • Road safety workshops
  • Wandsworth Junior Citizenship Scheme

To read about our Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSOs), please click here.