Pupil Voice

At Shaftesbury Park Primary School, there are many opportunities for children to contribute to and even take the lead in making our school a better place to be.

School Council

We have a very active School Council which meets every two weeks to discuss issues affecting the school, as well as feeding back ideas or comments from their classes.

For more on the work of the School Council, please visit our dedicated School Council page. 

Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSO’s)

Every year, children in Year 5 are given the opportunity to become Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSOs), supporting the School Travel Plan. Our JRSOs play a very important role in promoting safe travel to and from school through delivering presentations on how to stay safe and running competitions. Our JRSOs also take the lead in running the annual ‘Big Pedal’ and ‘Walk Once a Week’ initiatives, collecting the results in and giving out certificates.

This year our JRSOs have been extra busy, supporting the implementation of the ‘School Streets’ scheme in Ashbury Road by producing information leaflets and overseeing their distribution to the local community.

Friendship Buddies

Friendship Buddies are good listeners and have a great understanding of how other people feel. Every half term, each class votes on 6 Friendship Buddies who work on a rota basis to support others at playtimes and lunchtimes. If children have a problem they cannot solve themselves, they can find a Friendship buddy to help them. They are easy to spot as they wear a special hat or sash!

Peer Mentors

Peer mentors provide individual support to other pupils, giving them the opportunity to discuss their learning and any problems that may influence their behaviour and/or learning. Peer mentors also support pupils who are new to the school, helping them to learn about Shaftesbury Park and make friends. All of our peer mentors are supervised by our Learning Mentor, Mrs Di Doi, and receive regular training on how best to support others.

The Monthly Shaftesbury

Each month a group of pupils publishes a newspaper which they have written entirely by themselves, the Monthly Shaftesbury. Please find the latest issues below:

The Shaftesbury Monthly Issue 8 (Green Special)

The Shaftesbury Monthly Issue 7

The Shaftesbury Monthly Issue 6

The Monthly Shaftesbury Issue 5

The Monthly Shaftesbury Issue 4

The Monthly Shaftesbury Issue 3

The Monthly Shaftesbury Issue 2