Our Vision and Mission

At Shaftesbury Park, we develop children who:

Think about their world

We use the International Primary Curriculum to not just to teach children facts, but to develop inquisitiveness, creativity and curiosity about the subjects they are learning.

We use the International Primary Curriculum to build a connected understanding of the subjects in a global perspective, this enables us to develop inquisitiveness, creativity, and curiosity about their world.

Expand their world

We use the opportunities provided by our bilingual and enterprise classes to give the whole school a gateway to the wider world, helping children find the world beyond our borders, share similarities and celebrate differences

We use the opportunities provided by our bilingual and enterprise classes to give the whole school a gateway to the wider world, helping children find the world beyond our borders, share similarities and celebrate differences.

Change their world

We use the core enterprise values and the United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of the Child to help children develop the skills and values they will use throughout their life to make their world better.

We use the enterprise skills and the United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of the Child to facilitate the children in being able to actively make a difference now and enable them to see that they can be the change makers of the future.