Extracurricular clubs

Extracurricular Clubs at Shaftesbury Park Primary

At Shaftesbury Park Primary, we take pride in offering a broader range of extracurricular clubs than many other schools, ensuring your child has the best opportunities to learn and grow outside the classroom.

Diverse Club Offerings

Our extensive list of clubs includes:

  • Arts & Crafts: Art, ballet, drama, French drama, French story time, choir, musical theatre
  • Sports & Physical Activities: Athletics, basketball, ball skills, football, gymnastics, judo, street dance, running club
  • Academic & Skills Development: Board games, chess, coding, extended French, Mandarin, phonics, robotics, science, 11+ tutoring
  • Hobbies & Interests: Cooking, gardening, guitar, mindfulness, recorder, story time, yoga
  • Supportive Environments: Homework club, sports base

We continually update our offerings based on student feedback through regular questionnaires to ensure we meet their interests and needs.

Benefits of Our Clubs

  • Skill Development: Enhance classroom learning or discover new interests.
  • Social Growth: Improve social skills and build friendships.
  • Variety: A mix of arts, sports, and academic clubs available each term.
  • Personalized Options: Regular updates to match student interests.

Autumn Term 2024-2025 Clubs

Monday  Musical Theatre  Select School of Dance  1,2 3:15-4:15pm £135 paid direct to Select School of Dance
Monday Running  Mr McIntosh 4,5,6  8:00-8:45am  FREE 
Monday KS2 Choir  Mr Seakens 3,4,5,6  3:15-4:15pm  FREE 
Monday Swifties Club Mrs Sayers-Eugster 3,4,5,6 3:15-4:15pm  FREE 
Tuesday Multisport  Junction Elite 1,2 3:15-4:15pm  £60
Tuesday  KS1 Choir Miss Fontanelle 1,2  3:15-4:15pm FREE 
Tuesday Extended French Miss Bonal 3,4 3:15-4:15pm FREE
Wednesday Street Dance  Select School of Dance  3,4,5,6 3:15-4:15pm  £135 paid direct to Select School of Dance
 Wednesday Extended French (Invitation Only)  Mrs Mitchell 5,6  3:15-4:15pm FREE 
 Wednesday Sewing Lorna 5,6  3:15-4:15pm  FREE 
Wednesday  Football Team Training Mr McIntosh 5,6 3:15-4:15pm FREE
 Thursday Morning Dance  Miss Prah 3,4,5,6  8:00-8:45am   FREE
Thursday Football Junction Elite  3,4,5,6 3:15-4:15pm  £60
 Thursday Extended French Mr Yorke 1,2  3:15-4:15pm  FREE 
Thursday  Booster Club (Invitation Only)  Mrs Paine 1,2  3:15-4:15pm  FREE 
Thursday Chess Club Chess in Schools 3,4,5,6 3:15-4:15pm £54
Friday Yoga LuvThyYoga 1,2,3 3:15-4:15pm £48
Friday Drama Young Authors  3,4,5,6 3:15-4:15pm £84

How to Apply

Extracurricular activities are offered three times a year for the following term. To book your child’s place:

  1. Plan club choices with your child beforehand to avoid double booking.
  2. Log in to your scopay.com account when club booking goes live.
  3. Select the clubs you want and complete the transaction.

Important Booking Information:

  • Spaces are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis and fill up quickly.
  • Transaction completion confirms your child's place; no separate notification will be sent.
  • If a club does not reach the minimum number of participants, it will not run, and you will be contacted for a replacement or refund.
  • Clubs run by outside providers may require sharing your child’s information for administrative purposes.

For any queries, please contact:

Holly Dorman

By offering such a wide variety of clubs and ensuring they meet our children's interests, Shaftesbury Park Primary stands out as a school that truly prioritizes the holistic development of its students.