What to do if there is a problem

What to Do if There’s a Problem

Safeguarding Concerns
For safeguarding issues, please visit our Safeguarding Page.

General Concerns and Complaints
At Shaftesbury Park, we take all concerns and complaints very seriously and strive to resolve them quickly and amicably.

  1. Contact the Class Teacher
    • Parents should first speak with their child’s class teacher.
    • Teachers are available before and after school in the playground.
    • If more time is needed, they will be happy to arrange a convenient appointment.
  2. Speak to the Phase Leader (Susan Diment - EYFS, Elaine Savizon - KS1, Stephanie Burton LKS2, Philip Yorke UKS2) 
    • If the issue is not resolved, parents can speak to a member of the Leadership Team.
    • You can schedule an appointment by calling the School Office or via email.
  3. Speak to the Senior Leadership Team
    •  If the issue is not resolved, parents can speak to a member of the Senior Leadership Team.
    • You can speak to them on the gate, schedule an appointment by calling the School Office or via email.
  4. Refer to the Chair of the Governing Body
    • If concerns remain, parents may contact the Chair of the Governing Body, Mr. James Cousins.
    • Contact details for Mr. Cousins can be obtained from the School Office.

For more information, please refer to our Complaints Procedure on our School Policies page.