
Keeping Your Child Safe Online

At Shaftesbury Park, we take online safety seriously. We teach children from day one how to use the internet safely and responsibly, just like we teach them road safety. 

Here's what we do at school:

  • Internet Safety Code: We directly teach the children about online safety, applying clear rules for safe internet use that all students and staff follow. 
  • Security Measures: We have strong filters in place to protect children from harmful content and websites.  These filters are constantly updated to stay ahead of online threats.

We know online safety is a team effort! Here's how you can help at home:

Talk It Out:  Just like road safety, online safety is an ongoing conversation. Make it a part of your daily routine to talk to your child about what they are doing online. 

Here are some great resources to help you get started:

  • CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre): []( has resources and advice specifically for parents on keeping children safe online.  
  • Think U Know: []( is a CEOP website with games and activities to help children learn about online safety. 
  • Safer Internet Centre: [](  offers practical tips and advice for parents on a variety of online safety topics.
  • Digital Parenting Magazine: []( (from Vodafone) is a great resource for understanding the latest apps and online trends.


Important Age Limits:  Many social media platforms and messaging apps have age restrictions. Here's a quick reminder:


  • Social Media (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram): 13+ minimum age requirement
  • Messaging Apps (WhatsApp): 16+ minimum age requirement


By working together, we can help your child navigate the online world safely and responsibly.