Pupil Voice

At Shaftesbury Park Primary School, we believe in empowering our pupils to take an active role in shaping their school environment. There are numerous opportunities for children to contribute to and even lead initiatives that make our school a better place.

School Council

Our vibrant School Council meets every two weeks to discuss issues affecting the school and to bring forward ideas and feedback from their classmates. This platform allows pupils to have a direct impact on school decisions and improvements. For more information on the School Council's work, please visit our dedicated School Council page.

Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSOs)

Each year, Year 5 pupils have the chance to become Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSOs), where they play a crucial role in promoting safe travel to and from school. They deliver presentations on road safety, organize competitions, and lead initiatives like the ‘Big Pedal’ and ‘Walk Once a Week’. This year, our JRSOs have also been instrumental in supporting the ‘School Streets’ scheme on Ashbury Road, creating and distributing information leaflets to the local community.

Friendship Buddies

Friendship Buddies are chosen every half term by their classmates for their ability to listen and empathize with others. These pupils work on a rota to support their peers during playtimes and lunchtimes. If a child has a problem they can’t solve on their own, they can turn to a Friendship Buddy for help. They are easily recognizable by their special hat or sash.

Peer Mentors

Our Peer Mentors offer one-on-one support to fellow pupils, helping them with their learning and any challenges that might affect their behavior or academic progress. Peer Mentors also play a key role in welcoming new students, helping them settle in and make friends. Under the supervision of our Learning Mentor, Mrs. Di Doi, Peer Mentors receive ongoing training to ensure they are well-equipped to support others.

Benefits for Pupils:

  • Leadership and Responsibility: These roles help pupils develop leadership skills, confidence, and a sense of responsibility as they take on active roles in improving their school community.
  • Empathy and Social Skills: Through supporting their peers, pupils enhance their empathy and interpersonal skills, which are essential for building positive relationships.
  • Active Participation: Pupils learn the value of participation and collaboration, fostering a sense of ownership and pride in their school environment.

At Shaftesbury Park, we are proud to see our pupils grow through these opportunities, taking on leadership roles and making a positive difference in their school and community.