School Council

School Council

At our school, we believe in empowering children to have a say in the decisions that affect them. This belief is rooted in Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), which states that children have the right to freely express their opinions and that adults should listen and take them seriously.

As a Rights Respecting school, we encourage our pupils to be active participants in shaping their school environment. Our vibrant School Council, made up of 10 pupils elected by their peers, plays a key role in this process. They tackle a variety of issues, such as:

  • Improving the school environment by addressing concerns like litter and recycling.
  • Enhancing playtimes and lunchtimes, ensuring they are enjoyable and inclusive for all.
  • Supporting school-wide events like Anti-Bullying Week and promoting positive behaviour.

The School Council meets regularly, not only with one another but also with key school leaders, including the Headteacher, Mrs. Bunmi Richards, and the Chair of Governors, Mr. James Cousins. This ensures that our pupils have a strong voice in the school's decision-making processes. A key focus for the Council is environmental stewardship, where they lead efforts in sustainability initiatives, such as recycling programs and Active Travel schemes like The Big Pedal.

Benefits for Pupils:

  • Leadership Skills: Being part of the School Council helps children develop leadership qualities, such as diplomacy, conflict resolution, and public speaking.
  • Confidence and Responsibility: Pupils gain confidence in representing their peers and take on significant responsibilities that prepare them for future challenges.
  • Active Participation: The experience fosters a sense of ownership and pride in their school, encouraging active participation in improving their learning environment.

Examples of recent successful projects include:

  • Lobbying for the creation of a school garden and a playground Book Nook.
  • Reviewing and improving the school’s recycling practices, including the installation of new recycling bins.
  • Fundraising over £120 for School Council initiatives.
  • Serving as Rights Ambassadors, promoting the school’s Rights Respecting agenda among pupils and parents.

We are proud of the positive impact our School Council has on our school community and look forward to their continued success in making our school an even better place to learn and grow.