School Day

School Day

The Start and End of the School Day

  • School Week: 31.65 hours at Shaftesbury Park Primary School.
  • School Gates Open: 8:45 AM
  • School Gates Close: 9:00 AM
    • All children go straight to their classes for early morning activities.
  • School Day Ends:
    • 3:15 PM for Reception to Year 6
    • 3:00 PM for Nursery classes

To minimize congestion, pupils and parents should use the designated gates at the start and end of the school day.



At Shaftesbury Park Primary School, we hold various assemblies:

  • Singing Assemblies:
    • Weekly sessions for children to learn and sing songs from different genres.
  • Praise Assembly:
    • Weekly recognition of children’s efforts and achievements.
  • Sharing Assemblies:
    • Opportunities for children to share their learning, developing public speaking and presentation skills.
  • Teacher’s Assembly:
    • Reflections on important values, current events, and other subjects.

Additionally, we hold special Raising Aspirations assemblies throughout the year, featuring guest speakers from various fields who share their career journeys and lessons learned.


Playtimes and Lunchtimes

To ensure ample space for socializing and play, playtimes and lunchtimes are staggered:


Morning Playtime


Afternoon Playtime

Foundation Stage

Free flow play with outdoor activities


Free flow play with outdoor activities

Key Stage 1

10:15 – 10:30

12:00 – 1:00

Bilingual Stream: 2:15 – 2:30

Enterprise Stream: 2:30 – 2:45

Lower Key Stage 2

10:30 – 10:45

12:30 – 1:30


Upper Key Stage 2

10:45 – 11:00

12:45 – 1:45




To learn more about our curriculum and lessons, please visit the relevant pages under the 'Our Learning' tab.