School Travel Plan

Getting to School Safely and Happily!

At Shaftesbury Park, we want to encourage healthy habits for everyone, and that includes how we get to and from school! That's why we have a special plan called a "School Travel Plan".

This plan helps us promote ways to travel that are good for your child's health and the environment, like walking, scooting, or cycling. We're proud to be part of a program called STARS that helps schools like ours make this plan even better. We even won a "Travel for Life Gold Award" in October 2023 because so many students choose active travel!

But a School Travel Plan is about more than just exercise. It's also about keeping your child safe. The plan helps teach children road safety rules and works with the police and council to improve walking and cycling routes near the school. This can include things like safer crossings and even "School Streets," which are areas with limited car traffic during pick-up and drop-off times.

Here are some of the fun ways we support the School Travel Plan:

  • Walk Once a Week Challenge: Get some exercise and fresh air with this walking challenge!
  • Scooter and Bikeability Training: Learn how to ride safely and confidently!
  • Cycling Proficiency Training: Level up your cycling skills!
  • Road Safety Workshops: Learn the rules of the road and stay safe.
  • Wandsworth Junior Citizenship Scheme: Be a responsible citizen and learn about healthy habits!

By working together, we can make getting to school a safe, healthy, and happy experience for everyone!