Educational Visits and Residential Trips

Educational Visits

High quality educational visits are an important part of the broad and balanced curriculum offered by Shaftesbury Park Primary School and serve to enhance children’s learning, deepening their engagement, knowledge and understanding of the world around them through direct experience.

Recent educational visits include:

  • Museums including the London Transport Museum, the Science Museum and the British Museum
  • Arts venues and galleries including the Royal Opera House, the Royal Festival Hall, Battersea Arts Centre and the Tate Gallery
  • Historic venues including Hampton Court Palace and the Tower of London
  • Sports venues including Chelsea Football Club, the Oval Cricket Ground and Latchmere Leisure Centre
  • Trips to learn about the natural world including London Zoo, Battersea Park Zoo and the London Aquarium
  • Enterprise Stream trips to businesses including Metro Bank, Yoti, Pizza Express, the White Stuff and ENT Fest
  • Bilingual Stream trips to the Institut Français, the South Ken Kids Festival, Société Générale and Saint John Bosco College
  • PSHE trips to the Junior Citizenship Project, WE movement and the Model United Nations General Assembly

Residential Trips

As well as providing educational benefits, residential trips provide additional opportunities for children to develop other crucial skills such as leadership, teamwork and self-reliance. Residential trips have also been proven to have a positive effect on children’s self esteem and confidence levels, thereby improving their emotional health and well being.

Social benefits of residential trips include opportunities for children to claim their independence, make their own decisions and build new friendships as well as being lots of fun!

Shaftesbury Park runs the following residential trips each year:

  • A three-day residential trip to Sayers Croft Outdoor Learning Centre in Surrey for children in Years 3 and 4
  • A five-day residential trip to France or Bournemouth (alternating on a yearly basis)for children in Years 5 and 6
  • A five-day wellbeing summer residential to Charterhouse School for children for children in KS2.